About Us
A Mix of Passion and Experience

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What’s with the Bird?
Have you ever heard the phrase “Canary in a Coal Mine”? Well, the story is pretty interesting and relates perfectly to our Mission at CIAC Systems..…..Throughout Europe and England in the late 1800’s and into the 1900’s, canaries were brought into coal mines by the miners and used to warn them of toxic gasses such as methane and carbon monoxide that were all too often present in the mines.
Being more susceptible to the gasses than humans, the canaries would sense the dangerous gasses and become distressed. The canary’s distress would alert the coal miners to the presence of the lethal gasses, and the miners would immediately take action or evacuate the mine. The canary became symbolic of the use of an “early warning system” for protecting the health and well being of people and equipment.

Our Mission
Simple Solutions for Complex Issues
The Mission for CIAC Systems is really pretty simple – to provide you with the forward-looking data and tools that you need so that you can “take action” as required to protect your people, your assets, and your business. We want to be your canary!
Our Team

Tim Mullen
35 + years in industrial process control; 27 years in electric heat trace industry; Founded 4 industrial technical services companies with 2 patents.

Robert H. B. Netzer, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in Computer Science; Ivy League educator; 30 years industry experience in hardware and software with 1 patent.

John Caruso
Master Electrician; 15 years industrial experience; 7 years’ experience in electric heat trace industry; Founder Patriot Thermal Controls (EHT Services)