Our System
We Give You the Tools To Prevent and Plan
Reliability is the name of the game when it comes to electric heat trace and its applications. Traditionally, you only knew your heat trace stopped working after it was too late. Now, CIAC gives you the tools to step into the future and deliver the reliability you deserve.
How it Works – Data Points of Importance
Forecasting Faults
We gather the key data (insulation resistance measurements) from your EHT system periodically (daily/weekly) depending upon ambient temperature.
This important measurement data, along with other important contextual information (such as ambient temperature and humidity) is compiled, stored and then displayed via our Data Acquisition system. This data is available to any authorized plant personnel through an “air gapped” and secure CIAC-to-Plant Local Area Network. The display is your “Dashboard” for the health and wellbeing of all EHT circuits wired to that CIAC Field Enclosure. And you may connect multiple CIAC Field Enclosures to one CIAC Data Acquisition Cabinet and add them to your Dashboard at any time.
We give you export functions so that you can filter the information in this database for specific circuit trending details. With this information, you can PREVENT catastrophic plant upsets by PLANNING for the “repair/replace” of your electric heat trace components BEFORE they fail.

Real Time Data
We recognize that even with all of the forward looking that CIAC Systems gives you, there are still the issues that happen “here and now.” Things can go bump in the night when you least expect them and you need to react quickly to prevent the looming disaster.
CIAC Systems gives you a new tool – derived from asking you questions and then listening to you – for you to quickly and easily review all of the branch lines on that EHT circuit, ascertain their level of priority, view the electronic drawing of that branch line, see where it physically exists within your facility, and include a photograph of the junction box or other key indicator of where that line is located. This information is available through the CIAC Dashboard display which plant personnel have available to them via a unique and site specific plant LAN based URL and hyperlinks located on that URL.
This information allows your plant operators to quickly troubleshoot the issue and keep the plant operating normally. Disaster averted thanks to the diverse and comprehensive information available to you at the click of a mouse - see below
Site Specific Dashboard with "Click Thru" Capability

Cabinet View
Exported Data Sheet View

Geo Dot Map View

DWG Circuit Mapping

Physical Location Photo

From problem circuit alarm to identification and physical location of critical branch lines in minutes – not hours! Disaster averted.